Lucy Norling
Lucy Norling (Queen Mary University of London), Senior Fellow Versus Arthritis UK
Lucy graduated in Applied and Human Biology (BSc) from Aston University, Birmingham in 2003, followed by a Masters in Research and PhD at the William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London in 2008. Dr. Norling was then awarded a 3 year Arthritis Research UK Foundation Fellowship and spent two years training at Harvard Medical School, Boston, with the mentorship of Professor Charles Serhan. In 2012 Dr Norling attained a 5 year Arthritis Research UK Career Development Fellowship to further her studies on the role of resolvins in inflammatory arthritis. In 2019, Dr Norling was extremely fortunate to have been awarded a highly prestigious Senior Fellowship from Versus Arthritis UK to investigate how we can reprogramme immune and stromal cells within the arthritic joint to activate resolution mechanisms. Her main interest is understanding why chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis fail to resolve. She recently edited a Topic for Frontiers in Immunology: Resolution Pharmacology – Innovative therapeutic approaches based on the biology of resolution to control chronic diseases of western societies.
Rhys HI, Dell’Accio F, Pitzalis C, Moore A, Norling LV, Perretti M. Neutrophil Microvesicles from Healthy Control and Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Prevent the Inflammatory Activation of Macrophages. EBioMedicine. 2018 Mar;29:60-69
Perretti M, Cooper D, Dalli J, Norling LV. Immune resolution mechanisms in inflammatory arthritis. Nat Rev Rheumatol. 2017 Feb;13(2):87-99
Norling LV, Headland SE, Dalli J, Arnardottir HH, Haworth O, Jones HR, Irimia D, Serhan CN, Perretti M. Proresolving and cartilage-protective actions of resolvin D1 in inflammatory arthritis. JCI Insight. 2016 Apr 21;1(5):e85922
Arnardottir HH, Dalli J, Norling LV, Colas RA, Perretti M, Serhan CN. Resolvin D3 Is Dysregulated in Arthritis and Reduces Arthritic Inflammation. J Immunol. 2016 Sep 15;197(6):2362-8
Headland SE, Jones HR, Norling LV, Kim A, Souza PR, Corsiero E, Gil CD, Nerviani A, Dell’Accio F, Pitzalis C, Oliani SM, Jan LY, Perretti M. Neutrophil-derived microvesicles enter cartilage and protect the joint in inflammatory arthritis. Science Translational Medicine 2015, Nov 25;7(315):315ra190