Daniela Costa
PhD student at Cardiff University, Wales
Daniela graduated in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Universidade de Lisboa. During her master’s degree, she did an Erasmus Placement, where she was granted the opportunity to develop her master thesis in Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), in the toxicology department studying skin-derived stem cells and their application in toxicology assays. After graduation, she worked as a community pharmacist for a year. Afterward, funded by Brainvectis Therapeutics and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portugal), she joined I.Med.ULisboa at Faculty of Pharmacy of Universidade de Lisboa where she spent two years investigating the role of CYP46A1 as a therapeutic target in Niemann-Pick type C disease and its effect in lipid homeostasis in the neurodegenerative disease. Her interest in lipids led her to join the ArthritisHeal ITN as a Marie Curie PhD Fellow. She is currently studying at Cardiff University, where she is focused on the role of oxidized phospholipids in the coagulation upsurge often seen in Rheumatoid Arthritis.