Final AH Meeting Stockholm
All PIs ans ESRs met at Karolinska Institute in Stockholm earlier last week. The ESRs shared their results gained in three years of hard work. It was such a nice event for sharing science and connect again face to face!
Newsletter №3, Dec. 2021
Check out our latest Newsletter and find out more about the network events, conference attended and ESRs secondments!
Newsletter №2, April 2021
Check out our latest Newsletter and find out more about the network events and Konstantina secondment in Tubingen!
New Website Launch
The communication/dissemination team worked with a web designer for the development of the new website.
Bioinformatics Workshop
Due to coronavirus pandemic, the Bioinformatics & Biostatistics Workshop was held online.
Rheumatology workshop
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, and to the travel restrictions, this event adopted an online version.
Newsletter №1, June 2020
Check out our first newsletter. Read about our events and meet our ESR team members.
Kick-off meeting
The kick-off meeting of ArthritisHeal took place at the LUMC in Leiden (The Netherlands), in November 2019.